Outdoor Notice Boards

Outdoor Notice Boards Made for Modern Public Spaces - Call Our Experts

See our full range of outdoor notice boards made for modern streetscapes. Help businesses to boost brand awareness, display information or provide a high-quality visitor experience in towns or cities. Choose from a range of wall-mounted and ground-mounted notice boards available in a wide range of designs and colours.

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outdoor notice boards
Classic Outdoor Notice BoardClassic Outdoor Notice Board
SKU: 897238
Procity Classic Outdoor Notice Board
Traditional Outdoor Notice BoardTraditional Outdoor Notice Board
SKU: 897259
Procity Traditional Outdoor Notice Board
Procity 1000 Outdoor Notice Board 75mmProcity 1000 Outdoor Notice Board 75mm
SKU: 897131
Procity Procity 1000 Outdoor Notice Board 75mm
Attractive Notice Displays for Streetscapes
Procity 2000 Outdoor Notice Board 75mmProcity 2000 Outdoor Notice Board 75mm
SKU: 897170
Procity Procity 2000 Outdoor Notice Board 75mm
Display Notices in Outdoor Streetscapes

Outdoor notice boards are wall-mounted or ground-mounted cases used to display information outside. The notice boards allow posters, menus or general information to be displayed outdoors. The casing on the notice boards protects the interior from rain and allows for long term display in public spaces.

Outdoor notice boards will instantly boost aesthetics in streetscapes, parks and more. Effectively displaying key information will drastically improve the pedestrian experience in modern urban settings. Use the boards to display restaurant menus, bus timetables, local information and much more.

Most external notice boards are reinforced to protect against vandalism and weathering. The lockable design allows businesses or councils to change information when needed while having peace of mind that the interior content is being protected.

Lockable notice boards can also be combined with bus shelters to display bus timetables or general advertising. The board contents can be changed when needed and improve the passenger experience at local bus stops. Further boost these areas with park benches to allow bus passengers to sit in comfort.

outside notice boards

Benefits of outdoor notice boards to local business


  • Entice customers into your business - use notice boards to display information like menus and increase footfall into your business.
  • Boost visitor experience - having notice boards in place will provide a better overall experience for visitors to the area and will help tourists to find their way around.
  • Improve the area's aesthetics - notice boards can give a professional feel to environments and match with modern-styled streets.
  • Build brand awareness - display logos and branding with great ease with little to no effort

Lockable notice boards are a key part of street furniture and will help to boost urban environments or green spaces.

external notice boards

Lockable notice boards for green spaces

Lockable notice boards are ideal for green spaces as well as urban environments. The lockable design helps to deter vandalism and provide long-lasting designs for streets and parks.

Notice boards are often used to display tourist information. The boards can display facts or figures about local attractions and landmarks. This will increase tourist engagement in the area and can boost the local economy in the long term.

When used in green spaces the boards can provide directions or local rules and regulations. Combine them with litter bins to encourage better waste disposal at a focal point or tree guards to protect trees from impact damage.

notice board outdoor