Benito Citizen Wooden Park Bench

SKU: 713645
For enquiries call
01908 464 527
Modern Styled Seating for Public Spaces

Delivery: Normally 4 - 5 Weeks

  • Choose from 700mm chair or 1800/2400mm benches
  • Elegant yet hard-wearing bench design
  • Easy installation - bolt down fast
  • Tropical wood planks - maintenance-free design
  • Ferrus treated iron frame - no rusting
  • Lignus wood coating - repels water, insects & fungus
  • Optional Grafus coating - protect against graffiti

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The Benito Citizen Wooden Park Bench provides an elegant yet highly durable seating design for public spaces. The bench can be installed into many public area types and will instantly boost the local aesthetic. Once in place, the benches can provide public seating, providing equal opportunities for young and old in modern-styled towns or cities.

Each bench is made with 5 hard-wearing tropical wood planks. They are essentially maintenance free for life and will provide years of use in public spaces. Each wood piece is made with a triple-layer Lingus coating. This helps to repel water, insects and fungus, maintaining the excellent design over time and reducing the risk of wear and tear in the bench. All hardware in the bench is made from stainless steel.

The iron frame helps to provide a sturdy foundation for the bench design. The Ferrus coating gives the iron a protective layer. During this treatment, all dirt, debris and impurities are washed from the iron and are finally coated with a Marson polyester powder paint.

The park benches come in 3 standard sizes - choose from benches and single chair designs. The seating can instantly boost aesthetics in public areas while in use.

Let's Discuss Your Project 01908 464 527